Penthouse №6 (June 2017) USA
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- 10-05-2017, 14:09
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- pragmatic
Penthouse — популярный американский мужской эротический журнал. Кроме США выпускается на различных языках по всей планете и считается одним из самых известных в мире брендов. Отличается от Playboy более «жёстким», но, в тоже время, высокопрофессиональным сексуальным содержанием.
From the editors /От редактора:
MANY of you have been extremely vocal in your praise (and criticism) of the magazine and our hard work. Actually, only a few of you have given up praise...most of you have been critical. And aside from the rather colorful name-calling-pissflap, shitmagnet, knob jockey, cuntpuddle, assface, fuckbucket, twatwaffle, and jizzmuffin being some of my favorites-many of your insights have been on point: more pubes, no pubes, tall girls, thick girls, big tits, round butts, more politics, less politics...and this discourse is healthy. My perspective is obscured by my taste, values, leanings, and point of view, while you-our loyal readers-have your own. And I think that we are building a damn fine magazine together. To me, shit usually goes off the rails when things go unchecked. That’s why we have systems. That’s why we, as a culture, encourage free thought, healthy discourse, and debate. Just because you’re a politician doesn't necessarily mean that you’re for the people. Just because you’re a scientist doesn't necessarily mean you don’t have ulterior motives. But, just because I don’t agree with your point of view doesn’t mean that you should be muzzled. Contrarians should be heard, free thought should be unencumbered, and scientific progress should be encouraged. Enjoy!
Издательство: Penthouse
Год издания: 2017
Жанр: Мужской журнал
Формат: PDF
Язык: English
Качество: Высокое
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Страниц: 134
Размер: 139.5 Мб
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