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Bobby Promotes 2 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Bobby Promotes 2 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Bobby Promotes 2 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS54 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | 20 January 15 | No plugins | 583mb

After Effects CS4 and above
Full HD resolution – 1920×1080 / 24fps / 60 sec
No plug-ins required
Very fast render – about 15 minutes on I7
There are 13 placeholders. To add your content just drag and drop it inside the placeholder composition.
Easily change the color of the body, eyes, teeth, tie (the two colors separately), carpet, background, all tablet elemets …
Video tutorials included.
PDF Documentation included.
Font – The font used in the preview is free for any commercial and non-commercial use. There is a download link in the documentation.

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