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Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS6 & above | Resizable | 3 April 2018 | No plugins | Video Tutorial | 194 mb

Distortion Zoom – over 170 handy transitions, for After Effects

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Technical requirements:

• To use the Motion Bro extension, requires After Effects CC.2014.2 or higher. Watch tutorial.
• To use presets without an extension (drag-and-drop method), requires After Effects CS5.5 or higher. Watch tutorial.
• It is possible to use presets in Premiere Pro, using Dynamic Link. Watch tutorial.

Target control for Zoom point

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

30 Power Zoom Transitions

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

30 Elastic Zoom Transitions

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Over 40 Optics Zoom Transitions

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Over 20 Wave Transitions

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

20 Motion Presets

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

20 Twirl Transitions

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)[/b]

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

How does it work

Distortion Zoom Transitions были тщательно проработаны так, чтобы они были очень легкими в использовании для всех уровней мастерства - просто поместите слой перехода на стыке двух сцен и все готово к работе. Все переходы работают без необходимости делать предварительные композиции или медиа заполнители. Преобразовывают любой контент, расположенный под слоем перехода.
Distortion Zoom Transitions have been carefully crafted so that they are super-easy to use for all skill levels – simply place a transition-layer at the junction of the two scenes and everything is ready to roll. All transitions work without the need to do Pre-compose or Media Placeholders. Transformed any content, that is placed underneath the transition layer.

Free Handy Extension

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)


• Over 170 dynamic transitions
• Supported any resolution up to 4K
• Supported any aspect ratio regardless of orientation – portrait or landscape
• Without media hodlers (adjustment layers system)
• Animation speed control in real time
• Ability to change Zoom center point
• Ability to use in Premiere Pro (via the Dynamic Link). Tutorial
• Does not require advanced skills in After Effects
• AEP-file of Promo video is included
Music is not included
• Font used in Promo (free): Jersey M54
Free Demo Presets
Free Sound FX Pack.

Distortion Zoom Transitions - Project & Presets for After Effects (Videohive)

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