Utily Sans font family

Utily Sans font family
12x .OTF | multilingual | cyrillic | Jun 11, 2019 | prew | 10 MB
12x .OTF | multilingual | cyrillic | Jun 11, 2019 | prew | 10 MB
Utily Sans is composed of 6 weights with their matching italics, an alternate character set that brings it back to its geometric origin, uppercase discretionary ligatures for expressive titles, as well as small caps, lining figures and old style numbers.
Utily Sans is the first Latinotype font with Cyrillic support, additional to the usual support for over 200 Latin-based languages.
Utily Sans is the first Latinotype font with Cyrillic support, additional to the usual support for over 200 Latin-based languages.
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